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Aernnova is a Leading Aerostructures Company specialized in the design and manufacturing of aerostructures and components
Aernnova seeks to be among the top-leading Tier 1 companies worlwide
Learn more about real projects we have been involved in.
Aernnova was started in 1986 with the creation of Fibertecnic and first manufacturing contract with CASA (today Airbus Group).
Long-standing commitment to excellence & quality.
Aernnova is a leading aerospace Tier 1 company specialized in the design and manufacturing of aerostructures
Aernnova Engineering provides high value-added product and manufacturing engineering services
Aernnova Composites diseña y fabrica componentes en material compuesto
Aerometallic provides metallic components and subassemblies
Aernnova offers 24/7 aftermarket support and aircraft services
Aernnova has taken part in the design of the PC-24 wings
Aernnova manufactures aerostructures and components for the A400M, C295 and EFA
Our corporate governance is based on the commitment to transparency and excellence in management through standards that govern the relationships between the company's management, its board of directors, its shareholders, employees and different stakeholders.
Summary of General Meetings of Shareholders.