Embraer Programs
Embraer is one of the world’s leading aircraft manufacturers, a position achieved through the commitment to full customer satisfaction. Throughout its 40-year history, Embraer has been involved in all aspects of aviation. In Addition to design, development, manufacturing, sales and technical support for commercial, agricultural and executive aviation, Embraer also offers integrated solutions for defense and security and services.
Praetor 500/600
Build to Print
- Vertical Stabilizer
- Horizontal Stabilizer
- Ailerons and Spoilers
- Rat and Cargo Door
- Tail Cone
- Wing Box
Design & Build
- Wing Movables (Flaps & Ailerons) (composites)
- Rudder (composites)
Build to Print
- HTP composite components (composites)
Design to Build
- Cargo Ramp and Cargo Door
- Rear Fuselage I and II
- Wing Main Box
- Pylons
Design & Build
Design to Build
- Forward Fuselage
Design & Build
- Horizontal stabilizer
- Vertical stabilizer
- Rudder & Elevator
- Rear fuselage incl. pressure bulkhead
ERJ 135-140-145
Design & Build
- Complete and equipped wings, incl. flaps, ailerons, spoilers and systems
- Engine nacelles, air inlet and thrust reverser.
- Wing to body fairing (transf. to Embraer)
Other programs
Programas de Bombardier
Diseñamos y fabricamos aeroestructuras para los programas CRJ 900-1000
Programas de Airbus
Conoce nuestra participación en los programas A220, A320, A330, A350 XWB , A 380 y Beluga