
We manage a strong supply chain to offer the best service

These are the elements around our supply chain policy is built:

  • Suppliers Quality Procedure

  • How to Partner

  • Supply Chain Management (SCM)

  • Procurement Ethics

Suppliers Quality Procedure

Aernnova’s Supply Chain policy aims to achieve a competitive advantage through continuous improvement in the quality of all members within the value chain.

This vision is based on three principles:

  • Right at First: Through planning, preparation and training in order to ensure the quality of products and services provided.
  • Always Right: Ensuring that we always serve quality products and services through the resolution of all deviations.
  • Continuous Improvement: Proactively, improve products and services quality and value.

In order to guide our suppliers in pursuing those priority goals, Aernnova has the necessary staff in the areas of quality suppliers and process engineering and procedures.

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase

At Aernnova Group these General Purchase Conditions are the minimum framework that governs the relationship with our Suppliers. If you want more information about these Conditions, please contact your regular procurement agent.

How to Partner

Aernnova has created a global supply chain and is in search of committed suppliers who help us to improve our competitiveness.

If you are a company who wants to become a provider of Aernnova please complete the Supplier Survey form and summit it to us through the following e-mail address: [email protected]

Supply Chain Management (SCM)

SCM (Supply Chain Management) is our strategic platform for demand communication with our suppliers. We use SCM to streamline supply chain processes and to increase transparency and visibility of such processes.

This is a tool that enables a productivity improvement and greater visibility in demand and supply flows. It is also a very helpful tool for the supplier, providing a complete and detailed view of demand and the capability of transmitting commitments related to it.

The ASN (Advanced Shipment Notice) allows early identification of bottleneck situations in the supply process, helping with a stabilization of the whole supply chain and being a key point for its competitive improvement.

If you are a supplier and would like more information on how SCM/ASN can help to improve these processes for you, please contact us at: [email protected].

Procurement Ethics

Integrity in behavior and within all areas of action is the first value of Aernnova. Therefore, the representatives of Aernnova’s Supply Chain respects the rules and protocol of the supplier place of origin and maintains professional behavior and loyalty to the institutions with whom it interacts.