Aernnova awarded with the prize of innovation in prevention of labor risks of mutualia for the project "aernnova zaindu"

Aernnova has received from Mutualia the prize for innovation in Occupational Risk Prevention for the “Aernnova Zaindu” program focused on the prevention and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.

The recognition has been carried out within the framework of the IV International Congress of Health and Safety at work, and together with the rest of the finalist companies, we have had the opportunity to present the principles of “Zaindu” before an interested audience that mostly voted in favor of Aernnova.

In addition to Aernnova, Polymat has also been recognized for its labor in terms of equality. The Bilbao City Council, the Somorrostro Training Center, GAIA, IMQ Prevention, JEZ Rail Systems, Mercedes-Benz Spain and Bilbao Metro, have also been finalists in the category of innovation in prevention of occupational risks and Unilever Foods Industrial and Eusko Trenbideak, in the category of equality.

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