MADRID, Spain, May 3, 2018 – Boeing and Aernnova today celebrated the successful delivery of the first Aft Pressure Bulkheads to the Boeing 787 production line in South Carolina. The Aft Pressure Bulkhead is a dome-shaped structural wall at the rear of the fuselage responsible for maintaining passenger cabin pressure. The component -highly critical both structurally and in terms of 787 Program Final Assembly Line (FAL) needs- is produced using leading edge automation technologies both at composite detail part manufacturing and assembly levels.
“We are proud of this important contribution to the 787 program,” said Ricardo Moro Chief Operating Officer, Aernnova. “We have been supporting Boeing commercial airplane programs for over 18 years, with a full commitment to Performance, Flexibility, Anticipation and Innovation and look forward to further maintaining and strengthening this relationship” .
In 2015 Aernnova was distinguished with the “Boeing Performance Excellence Award” in the Silver category, which recognizes the excellence of the work carried out by the engineering business unit in the 787-8/9 and 787-10 programs.This was the fifth year that Aernnova has been honored for its superior performance which highlights the best in class engineering and manufacturing capacities of its products and services.
Aernnova won the contract to build Aft Pressure Bulkheads for the 787 program in 2016. Since then Aernnova has been working with Boeing Supplier Management and the different Boeing technical organizations to meet the demanding requirements as a new industrial operations supplier to Boeing. In 2017 Aernnova managed all necessary capital investment and the stringent qualification of facilities, equipment, production means and processes as a new manufacturing subcontractor for Boeing. First part qualification started at the end of 2017, with immediate ramp-up in the first quarter of 2018 for rapid entry into a consolidated program at rate.
“Boeing and Aernnova have maintained a longstanding partnership,” said Antonio de Palmas, Managing Director, Boeing Southern Europe, Boeing International. “Aernnova was part of the design team for the 787 Dreamliner and participated in wing and fuselage design of the 747-8.
Strong performance and close collaboration with suppliers from Spain and around the world has helped the 787 program achieve more than 1,350 orders to date.”
In 2017, Boeing spent almost $60 billion with nearly 13,000 suppliers from all 50 U.S. states and 57 countries. Supplier-provided components, services and engineering support make up approximately 65 percent of the cost of Boeing products
About Aernnova
Aernnova is a leading aerostructures company specialized in the design and manufacturing of aerostructures and components such as wings, empennages and fuselage sections. With strong capacities, capabilities and track record in engineering, manufacturing and program management, Aernnova contributes with cost efficient and reliable solutions to its customers through a flexible scope of activities performed by specialized and globalized business units for Engineering, Composites, Metallic Components and Product Support.
With more than 680 million € revenues and 4,500 employees, Aernnova is present in Spain, Mexico, United States, Brazil and Romania and have collaboration agreements in India and China.
About Boeing
Boeing is the world’s largest aerospace company and leading manufacturer of commercial jetliners, defense, space and security systems and service provider of aftermarket support. Boeing employs approximately 140,000 people across the United States and in more than 65 countries and supports customers in more than 150 countries worldwide.
About Boeing Spain
Boeing has been present in Spain for more than 80 years, serving the needs of commercial airline customers and maintaining a long-standing collaboration with the Spanish aerospace industry. It has also been a long-time supplier of military airplanes, helicopters and weapons systems to the Spanish military. Boeing’s European R&D center (Boeing Research & Technology Europe – BR&T-Europe) is located in Madrid, producing innovative ideas that have been successfully exported to satisfy the needs of Boeing clients in areas such as air traffic control, safety, security, energy sources and environmentally respectful materials. For more information, please visit