January 7, 2019. The manufacturing sector is one of the main engines of Europe, where it has more than two million companies and almost 30 million people dedicated to it directly. However, the new needs of the market and society, the fast technological progress and the environmental and sustainability requirements are driving to a profound change in the sector. To contribute to make it more competitive, sustainable and productive, the EIT Manufacturing initiative is born, with the support of the European Commission, more than 50 companies and technology centers from all over the continent will collaborate to make Europe a world reference for innovation in manufacturing and encourage companies to adopt new technologies more quickly and efficiently.
This initiative will have a specific innovation network in Euskadi, to promote and finance advanced manufacturing projects, training and revitalization of productive activity in south-western Europe. The Basque entities Aernnova, Mondragon Corporation, IK4 Research Alliance, ITP Aero and Tecnalia will be in charge of its start-up and it is foreseen that it will start in 2019. This network will have a budget of more than €15 MM per year to give support to companies both in the creation and development of new products, and in the application of existing technologies, and it is expected that more than half of the industrial companies in Euskadi take advantage of this.
Objectives of the alliance
The challenges posed by the Euskadi network are: favour the digitalization of the industry and contribute to a more flexible and flexible production, environmentally and socially sustainable. In this way, it will contribute to generate quality jobs, train students and attract talented people, and create “innovation ecosystems” in which companies, technology centers, universities and investors interact.
To do this, during the first 7 years of operation of EIT Manufacturing, the Basque network will launch new mechanisms to promote relationships between agents to accelerate the arrival of more than 100 new innovative products to the market, the creation of more than 200 new companies and the training of more than 10,000 people.
EIT Manufacturing is the result of the joint work of more than 50 entities for more than 7 years, in which the differential contribution of the Basque consortium has been decisive for the success of the initiative. The network has the impulse and support of the EIT, European Institute of Innovation and Technology, an entity that encourages the creation of innovation networks, which include training, R & D & I activities and the creation of new businesses. The EIT to date has already generated other communities of this type for sectors such as energy, the environment, digital, health, raw materials, food and urban mobility.
About Aernnova
Aernnova is a leading company specialized in the design and manufacture of aeronautical structures and an important supplier for the main aircraft manufacturers worldwide. With more than 680 million euros of turnover in 2017, and 4,500 employees, Aernnova is present in Spain, Mexico, the United States, Brazil and Romania and maintains collaboration agreements in India and China. www.aernnova.com
About Corporación Mondragon
MONDRAGON integrates more than 250 companies that develop their activity in the areas of finance, industry, distribution and knowledge. With a broad international presence, it has an innovation ecosystem in which its businesses, its research centers and its university interact. www.mondragon-corporation.com
About IK4
K4 is an alliance of technology centers, private and independent, of reference in the European technological field. It is integrated by 6 entities of the Basque Country: AZTERLAN, CEIT, IDEKO, IKERLAN, LORTEK and TEKNIKER. IK4 Research Alliance aims to promote the generation, capture and transfer of scientific and technological knowledge of its partners, in order to contribute to improving the competitiveness of companies and the progress of society. www.ik4.es
About ITP Aero
ITP Aero is the ninth largest aeronautical engine and component company in the world. With more than 3,600 employees in six countries, among its activities, ITP Aero includes the design, research and development, manufacturing and casting, assembly and testing of aeronautical engines. ITP Aero operates as a corporate entity within the Rolls-Royce Group. www.itpaero.com
TECNALIA is a leading Research and Technological Development Center in Europe, with 1,400 experts from 30 nationalities, focused on transforming technology into GDP to improve the quality of life of people, creating business opportunities in companies. www.tecnalia.com