Strategic agreement between Hondajet and Aernnova for new light Jet Program

Aernnova hasbeen selected for the design of the wing, the design and manufacturing of theflaps, ailerons and spoilers and the manufacturing of the empennage for theHonda Aircraft ‘s new light jet.

HondaAircraft Company yesterday announced that it will commercialize the HondaJet2600 Concept. It will target type certification in 2028 for the new light jet,which represents a new product line for Honda Aircraft Company

“Thecommercialization of the new light jet represents Honda’s next chapter ofskyward mobility, which further expands the potential of people’s lives,” saidHideto Yamasaki, President and CEO of Honda Aircraft Company. “By elaboratingon the expertise of our technological innovations, we will accelerate theprogram’s development with sustainability efforts being a key elementthroughout.”

Mr RicardoChocarro , CEO of Aernnova said, “Aernnova is thrilled to partner with HondaAircraft Company in  this very excitingbusiness jet project where we are contributing with our significant experience and know-how both in the design andmanufacturing of complex aero-structures”.

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